

Sonntag, 23. Juli 2017

Why would or should a non-muslim woman wear Hijab?!

Ich habe diesen Text vor einiger Zeit mal auf Englisch verfasst, um aufzuzeigen, was eine nicht-mulimische Frau für Gründe haben könnts, ein Kopftuch zu tragen und eine Kopftuchträgerin sein zu wolle. Ich habe schon öfter versucht, den Text ins Deutsche zu übersetzen - leider war das Ergebnis nie wirklich zufriedenstellend - der Text ist so wie er ist eigentlich perfekt und eien Übersetzung macht an vielen Stellen leider den Sinn kaputt oder erfordert zusätzliche Erklärungen, sodaß hinterher immer etwas rauskommt, was mir nicht so gut gefällt wie der englische Text oder halt viel länger ist. Und deswegen habe ich beschlossen, den Text auf Englisch einzustellen, weil er mir einfach sehr wichtig ist - zu wichtig um ihn nicht zu veröffentlichen - vielleicht versuche ich mich nochmal an einer deutschen Version, aber bis es soweit ist, muss man wohl mit der Englischen vorlieb nehmen

Why should or would a non-muslim woman wear Hijab and be a Hijabi?

If you're not a non-Muslim hijabi, you might be asking that question. Why would anyone, who isn't be Muslim, be covered head to toe, all the time and wearing a headscarf such that they're going to be kept mistaken for a Muslima? Why would anyone want to do that?

Some commonly cited reasons

It's modest and prevents the objectification of women. There's a raging debate over this one -- whether it's modest to cover the hair, if it's freeing men from the responsibility of controlling themselves, if it keeps women from being objectified, etc.

Because it's pretty. You might be covering up, but you can still do it with gorgeous fabrics. Some women feel like princesses and queens in hijab, because scarves are pretty and luxurious objects.

Religious requirement. Some Christian hijabis will cite 1 Corinthians 11, saying that it requires Christian women to cover their hair out of respect for traditional gender roles. (Like some Muslims who say that hijab is not required in Islam, most Christians will say that women are not required to wear headcoverings.). Hijabis in other religions may also believe that their God/gods/goddess requires them or asks them to wear a hijab.

Spiritual reasons. Some women finds that it helps them focus on God/gods/goddess more because the headscarf is a tangible reminder that there's a power above them. Some believe that it helps to contain their aura or energy.

Spiritual discipline. For some women, hijab is an inconvenience that helps them connect with God. Some Orthodox Catholic women will use hijab as podvig, a "spiritual struggle" that brings them closer to God.

Romantical Reasons. Some women want to wear it as a special gift for her partner, so that he (or maybe she) is the only one, who can see her in her full beauty and all other people in public can only see what is necesary and important for them, like face and hands.
Often it is the idea of the woman to cover and wear Hijab for the partner. If he likes it and it is okay for him, it can be great for both.
Sometimes the partner requests the woman / his wife to wear Hijab and cover her hair/head for him, that others can not see more of his wife as needed. If it is okay for her to try it or wear a headcovering for him, it can be a great experience for both. And in some cases it can be a great push for the relationship and the feeling of solidarity grows.

Medical reasons. Some women need a headscarf for medical reasons (e.g. cancer, hair loss) and prefer hijabs to other styles that only cover the head and not the neck. And most headscarfs, that are designed for women who lost her hair through medical reasons, like cancer, exactly look like that. People who see her with this headscarf will knew that she had / has cancer and react often with unwanted compassion. So this women often want to choose a more normal style like Hijab.

Psychological reasons. Some find that it helps with anxiety. Or it can help with low self-esteem and self-confidence - or when a woman is extremely shy, it can have a positive effect when she covers her body and her head with a headcovering, like a Hijab. It gives her a feeling of protection and security.

Some just like the tangible feeling of the cloth around them. It's cozy and comfortable to be surrounded by so much fabric, when you wear long covering clothes and a Hijab / headcovering. Some just love this feeling and some like it this feeling, because it reminds them always that they are covered and that no one can see more of her then he/she should see.

I wear my Hijab for almost all of the above reasons - except the medical ones. And I like to wear it very much and I'm very proud to wear it and that I have made myself free from that what Fashion and society tells us women to wear. I'm proud about my body and my beauty, but this does not mean, that I have to show it to everyone and everywhere.
It was my own and my free decision to start with wearing Hijab - I had the choice and Hijab was my choice. And I have the strong believe, that I have to wear it now, because of my decision for wearing Hijab. I must wear Hijab, because I choose to wear Hijab, but it is okay for me, because I really want to wear Hijab and don't want to give it up.
At first it was only, because I liked the Fashion-style and wanted to wear this fashion by myself. It was nice and I like the tangible  feeling of the clothes and the headcovering around me. I liked it to be covered and that nothing of my body or beauty was shown to others. I read many things about Hijab, headcovering and the reasons for women to do so and I was thinking much about it and my own reasons to wear it and so it became to have religious and spiritual reasons for me too. I found back to my christian religion and my believe in God and began to pray regulary in the morning and evening every day. And I began to see my Hijab and my covering and modest clothes as a sign for my submission and my devotion to God. Everyone could see, that I'm devoted and submissive to God and that I obey him, because he requested us women, to cover our beauty and bodies to protect us and to guard our modesty and chastity.
And before I started to wear Hijab, I was a really shy girl. With Hijab and long covering clothes I felt protected and secured and I had more self-confidence and self-esteem, then without  Hijab. It was great not to be shy anymore and to be self-confident and self-esteemed, I was addicted to this feeling, so I had to choose stop wearing Hijab and be shy again or continue wearing Hijab and be always protected, secured, self-confident and self-esteemed. So I took my choice for wearing Hijab.

People tell me sometimes to that i shouldn't wear it, because i'm not a Muslima - and christians "do not such stuff" of course. The funny thing is, that i never heard this from muslim people - only so called christians tell me that - the sort of christians that go never to church, that do not pray and that smile about people who pray or do believe in God. In Europe women covered their heads in old ages and especially in the middleages when they got married and it was strictly forbidden for non married women to cover their heads.
So why I shouldn't wear Hijab? There are so many good reasons to wear it. The Fashion Style looks nice, and it guards your chastity and modesty. Your body and your beauty will be kept in privacy and the Hijab and your clothing prevent strange men to see more of my body and beauty then i really want. My Hijab gives me Protection, Security and modesty and I'm proud to wear it - it's worth all the trouble. And at least i show my respect to God, that i'm devoted to him and that i obey him, while i follow his will and his advice to cover my body and my beauty and wear Hijab. To wear Hijab and cover me raises up my dignity and i fell good and save. Since I've decided to wear always a Hijab i see it as my duty to wear it - it is an obligation for me, i take over with my decision for the Hijab. So i have to wear it and it is an absolute must for me to wear my Hijab when i leave the house and go out in public. I wear it by choice and i want to wear it, so i don't care about, that i must wear it - it's okay.
For a while i had no hair on my head, too. But i had cut it very short and shaved it. I did it because i wanted my Hijab to be my only headgear, headdress and headcovering for a while, after i started to wear it, to show, how honest and serious my decision to wear Hijab really is.
Corinthians 11:6 inspired me to do it - "If a woman does not cover her head, she should have her hair cut off; and if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut or shaved off, she should cover her head." 

I've heard of women who lost her hair and decided to wear Hijab, because they didn't want to wear wigs or other headcoverings and i wanted to know how does it feels like. The first days it was an embarrassing feeling, to be without my hair, even if no one could see it because of my Hijab and i regreted my decision to cut off my hair and shave my head. But then i recognised that i never ever felt my Hijab so intrnsive like this - it was an intense and strong feeling to feel the fabric of my Hijab directly on my naked scalp. It felt like the Hijab became a part of me - my only headgear and headdress, that i felt so intensive all the day on my head. I shaved my head for a half year, like this, until i let my hair grow again. But this was already some years ago, but i thinking of doing it again soon, maybe.

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